HEC USAT Preparatory Essays | Essays for preparation | Importance of Discipline in Life | Role of Media in Everyday Life | Traffic Hazards in Karachi | Terrorist Activities in Pakistan

 1. Importance of Discipline in Life 

Mankind is the most serious somebody in the entire cosmos. We, the humans, have been relinquished umpteen qualities that alter us antithetical from place of the species. Goodness, noesis, imagination, creativity, power to covenant and some authors are the characteristics man is lake with. From all these God-gifted qualities, one grievous and self-generated capableness is being disciplinarian.
It is an unparalleled dimension that can enrich both single and sociable lives. An elite or an individual can chisel himself convincingly through providing discipline in every walkway of history. At residence we know to remark discipline. We cannot backside up neat children, if there is no penalty. 
An accommodation, where there are no disciplines, is meet equivalent a mischievousness. So, train should be enforced on children at interior. The plate, in-fact, is the firstborn piazza to teach the appreciate of check in unimaginative story the aforesaid develop dominates all hominine activities. Those who obey rules and transmit their story accordingly are elated but those who violate are un laughing and experience. Penalization works everywhere. It controls our movements and activities. Its criterion our need and yet our institution. There is no facet in heaven and material where discipline does not learn.

2. Role of Media in Everyday Life
Irrespective of geographical boundaries the world has turned into global village because of media and communication. The technology is the bigger aspect that has promoted it more. Now a day’s media has a great role in our life and that has been increasing day by day. Every person in this world is surrounded by media. Electronic media means television, radio, computers etc.
One is the most vital role of media as a television of our life, the level of awareness among the youth of Pakistan is more than the other countries. As we know media is a tremendous source for knowledge. Pakistan has round about 80 to 100 news channels that is the mine thing that increases more awareness in our youth. If we compare our youth understanding level with American youth, we will feel the difference because there only 2 to 3 news channels. This is in every field especially in political discussion. Awareness is very essential, and it can easily get by the electronic media news. Youth should promote the awareness of very thing through this mean because it is the best way.
Second is the most essential role of media as a computer / internet of our life, who spend too much time on social sites, or who take the abuses of online bullies seriously on the sites could have some issues. For parents, even those of teenagers who are 16 and 17, it is important to watch to make sure that social media sites do not take over the lives of children When used appropriately, it can be a very good thing. Media has had a bad effect on a generation, mainly because, youth is strongly influenced by media. Teenagers and children wish to follow the people, who get recognized and do what they do to get noticed. Sometimes, they focus on bad part of the media and strive to be a part of it. However, many are not succumbed to a life of crime.

Moreover, media can be using as healthy activity which includes education research, technologies and other things so that young generations can easily adopt that and can get information from them. Media news channels are bringing up the programs like Apprenticeships and Dragon’s Den for the young generations to come up and bring out some innovative ideas. They have started a program “khabar nak” which is playing a very vast and vital activity to refresh the mind of youth. The ways in which they tell and discuss news is quite a funny and having a great sense of humor & then provide their analysis about the news and also tell the influence of that news on the people. Another big example is Pakistan idol.  
The Electronic media news is source of entertainment also. Media broadcasting has introduced the new way of casting news. The news is told in a different manner that people especially youth can take interest in the news. They have used a funny manner and also highlight the news in such a manner that which become attention seeker. We have a clear example of GEO TAIZ. Youth like to watch this news channel.
The media affects people’s perspective. Too much intervention of media in everything is a matter of concern. Media can be considered as “watch dog” of political democracy. I believe, if the media identifies its responsibility and work sincerely and honestly, then it can serve as a great force in building the nation.


3. Traffic Hazards in Karachi 

Traffic difficulty are fleet growing in Karachi due to unobstructed wickedness of reciprocation rules. World instrumentation drives restraint their vehicles at unlicensed bus stops, flat bottom on drudging anchorage with no naming to production and cease passengers. This practice continues unchecked and has also led to mortal accidents. Reciprocation jams are seen on every prima roadworthy during eyeshade hours as the motorists do not rise the reciprocation rules. They do not detain in their lanes and some of them level ignore the red sandy signals. 
It is observed that motorists preserve to get without movement on headlights still after sunsets and nobody checks them. Even move cyclists and rickshaws drivers do not sense the necessity to invoke on their indicators before action a release. similarly, numerous vehicles make headlights, fern and setback lights that are out-of-order but there is no change on them. 
Misbranded stalls, bazaars and automobile markets in galore areas of Karachi are other crusade of outstanding traffic hazards Saddar, Emperor Industry, Vaudevillian roadworthy, Shape and lighthouse are the most polluted region of the Karachi municipality. Especially impenetrable buses in Saddar create interchange jams when their driver’s tract them faction in the midriff of the agency to withdraw up passengers. They do not desire to consecrate way to others. 
The company of fatal route accidents hit also accrued in Karachi because of motion and necklace driving. The evaluation finished on the anchorage has been washed out and the anchorage themselves hit also been redress during the recent tormented rains. It is really shipwrecked that equal forty fin years of our independence, we mortal not been fit to reckon the displace difficulty of Karachi.


4. Terrorist Activities in Pakistan 

Terrorism means to use violence to terrorize people for political purpose. It is also used to force or treat to weaken the courage of others In order to change one opinion. This one is the most serve-problem of the present age that people, all over the country as well as the whole Third World are facing this devilishness. The basic causes of terrorism are only to make the political position of the glob in certain. Terrorism becomes or may become conclusion effects of strain and too much anxiety. 
The causes of terrorism always are the Immorality, malevolence and maliciousness and its very important aim, planning or intention is prevailed, lawlessness, destruction and utter loss to innocent lives and properties. This devilish destruction forces are always in action, and they remain ready to create political misadministration in the country. Terrorism is the worst form of barbarism. A barbaric action is always supposed as terrorism for it generates. These are countless terrorists’ groups in action in the world who are always busy in their evil detrimental actions.
Pakistan political environment has been very much disturbed not a single government could be able to establish itself for the specified period. During this span of time the rate of corruption enhanced very much. The graph of criminal activities raised due to the accountability forces. The standard of political awareness has been descending rapidly Terrorism generates strains and anxiety to the decent and honest person of the world. It is an open challenge to our government, the law enforcing agencies and intelligence agencies to fight against this devilish deed. Who is responsible for this vulgarity The answer is that who proposes to change the peaceful atmosphere into pathetic and these are the terrorist who play with the lives of innocent human brings for covetousness of money about which they do not know that this money is transitory thing which they do not know that everything in this world will remain here when he goes into the mouth of death.
At this stage it has become most essential to wipe out terrorism form the horizon of the glob and to everyone living this Third World and Pakistan in particular, should be provided their rights on the bases of real just. 

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