Hec Usat preparation Essays | A Memorable day of my life | A Memorable day of my life | Natural Disasters on Earthquake | Importance of Leisure time Activities

1. A Memorable day of my life

Happy days are not infrequent in life. A day is happy when some small desire is fulfilled, a dream is realized, and a hope is materialized. A happy day is lost in the jumble of time, but the happiest day is never forgotten. It remains fresh and lovely in the mind and is thrilling when thought of. It was the 6th of August, the day the Board was to declare my SSC results. I had worked hard during the year and had done well at the examination but still I was nervous, anxious, and uneasy. Hope and desperation got hold of me in turn. At one minute I was sure of my success and at the other I feared failure. Time passed slowly that day and minutes seemed to be years.  

All of a sudden, my younger brother rush earns with a newspaper in his hand. I snatched it and began to search for my roll number among those who had secured Grade A. My heart sank as it was not there. Then I searched further but my roll number was not among the students, who had got grade B or C I burst into tears and felt so weak that I could not stand. My younger brother suggested to search in the list of students securing A1 grade. I did so and shouted with glee to find my roll number there. My mother came running from the kitchen to see what had happened. When she came to know about my results she prostrated on the floor and thanked God with tears running down her cheek.  

The atmosphere changed suddenly. Everybody seemed glad. The news soon reached my relatives and friends. They began to come to congratulate me with boxes of sweets. Some of my relatives gave me money. My father was at his office. My younger brother telephoned him. He was overjoyed and came home smiling. He gave a five hundred rupees note and embraced me. In the evening my mother had cat led my relatives and friends to dine. She had prepared tasty dishes. Well enjoyed the feast, talked and laughed. In the feast, appeared to be some one of importance and I beamed with glee. It was my happiest day and I will never forget he thrill, the exhilaration and the elevation I felt that day. 

2. Load Shedding of CNG 

At the present time, the majority vehicles in Pakistan run on CNG (Compress Natural Gas). In this situation Pakistan has the massive number of CNG filling stations. But nowadays, Pakistan is facing CNG crisis. Moreover, Punjab province is the country’s largest province with respect to population which is used in the greatest amount of CNG is our vehicles, industries, mills and home.  
According to the Pakistani Government, the reason of load-shedding of CNG is only for winter seasons because the gas freezing in the pipes and its pressure becomes very low. There is a sharp increase in the use of CNG vehicles as well, but the Government, production of gas is not seeing any increments with that percentage. That is how, Pakistani Government continued CNG load-shedding in the summers.  
Another one reason of load-shedding is when General Musharraf’s as President of Pakistan, he implemented certain policies which resulted in gas shortages. He promoted the use of CNG as an alternative to petrol The price of CNG was less than half the price of petrol, hence the majority of people switched over to it. The government also encouraged setting up CNG stations to ensure there were enough in every region to meet the demands. As a result, many people took this opportunity to set up CNG stations, and in some neighborhoods, one could be found after every few meters. Due to this, the residents of the area did not receive enough natural gas during high peak seasons.  
The public started using CNG in a few years; especially the public transport was now running on CNG. According to the figures of 2009, there were 21, 91,000 vehicles using CNG Engines/CNG Kits and 2941 CNG refill stations in the country and currently these figures increasing very high rate. 

Majority of public transporters in Pakistan do not do their transport business on CNG during these days because CNG is not available, at about three or four days in a week, this causes not only a great loss to the transporters themselves but the life of the commoners is also affected badly. The students face difficulty in going to their educational institutes due to the in availability of transport. School and office staff that uses the public transport reaches their offices late, and this happens more often. Patients suffering from fatal diseases die, due the in availability of transport to the hospitals during the days CNG is not available.  

Same is the case with small level businesses, due to CNG load-shedding and public is extremely insulted at the Government due to the on-going CNG load-shedding. Moreover, at this moment is the right time to work out this crisis and Government must take the serious steps to resolve this serious issue otherwise this problem will go out of the margin. 

 3. Natural Disasters on Earthquake 

Earthquake is one of the most terrible natural disasters. Its source can be traced to the early days of earth formation. It is responsible for a lot of damage to living and non-living beings. For many centuries man did not know why earthquakes come and how they happen and to what area they would damage. He only felt that mother earth was angry with him and so caused the earthquake and he always feared it. A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard that leads into environmental, financial and human loss.  

There are different types of earthquakes, some are small covering small distances and some are large covering larger distances. Earthquakes are caused by sudden movements of rock beneath the earth. Stresses in the earth cause blocks of rock to break, then move along a fault, or crack. Rocks and earth may slip in any direction along a fault-sideways or up and down. Almost 95 out of 100 earthquakes occur in two great belts – the Pacific Belt, and the Mediterranean Belt. Most of the world’s active volcanoes and young mountain ranges are in these areas an erupting volcano sometimes may cause an earthquake. Earthquakes bring widespread distraction. Shock waves go in all direction from the center of an earthquake.  

The vibrations cause the earth to tremble and crack. rumbles like thunder may accompany the tremor. Cities near the center of the quake may be hard hit. Fires often rage out of control because of damage to gas mains, water pipes, and power lines. Building may fall. Landslides may bury villages or change mountain shapes River courses sometimes are changed by upheavals. Lakes and Waterfalls may be formed by shifts in land.  

It is true that a natural disaster is a natural process, and we cannot stop it with the limited knowledge of nature. But by making certain preparations, we can reduce the magnitude of the loss to life and property. First of all, we should reduce global warming which is the root cause of all the problems. We should also have insurance policies so that we could have sufficient. 

money to rebuild our lives after any such disaster. The scientists should invent advance warning systems. While construction we should make sure that it is strong enough to withstand earthquakes. We should educate people about evacuation during any disaster. 

3. Importance of Leisure time Activities 

My favorite leisure time activity is reading books because they play a very important port in developing the minds of students. They provide a valuable training in the art of self-expression and also provide an opening for the student’s creative genius. I read religious books because they have a deep effect on human minds. They teach us how to live a life and how to treat other human beings with due respect and dignity.
I also read general books which contain articles based on various topics, stories, poems, etc. by different writers. In this way I am able to increase my knowledge by these valuable books. In fact, the book is the teacher, and the reader is the pupil.
I have become fully acquainted with the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, Bertrand Russell and Allama lqbal; with the theories of Einstein, Newton and Darwin; with the poems of William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Ghalib, Allama lqbal and Shah Abdul Latif Bhatti by books I sometimes have to go to the public libraries in order to quench my thirst for knowledge by studying general books, and reference books and encyclopedias.
I really learn about many things by reading books on History, Geography, Literature Islamic knowledge Science etc. As a matter of fact, I fully enjoy my favorite leisure time activity by reading books on different subjects. 

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