HEC USAT PREPARATION | Essays from Hec test | Power Breakdown | Use and Abuses of Internet | Unforgettable Incident of Your Life | Importance of Media | Muslim Unity

1. Power Breakdown

At the present time, power is one of the most important things we use every day. It has also become a part of modern life and one cannot think of a world without it. Electricity power has many uses in our day-to-day life. It is used for lighting rooms, working fans, air conditioners and domestic appliances like using electric stoves, and more. All these provide comfort to people. In factories, machines are worked with the help of power. Essential items like food, cloth, paper and many other things are ultimately linked of power. If power breakdown, survive so difficulties.
Pakistan was plunged into darkness after a key power transmission line broke down early on Sunday in an incident being initially blamed on a rebel attack, the newest reminder of the country’s crippling energy crisis. The power breakdown, one of the worst Pakistan has experienced, caused electricity to be cut in major cities throughout the country, including the capital Islamabad. This was the major breakdown of the system within the past breakdowns plunging countless cities, towns and villages in Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan into darkness. A substantial area in Sindh was affected, more that 70 percent of Karachi had plunged into darkness.
However, the spokesman of the Baloch Republican Army, Sarbaz Baloch, claimed that the defunct militant group had carried out the bombing of two 220 kv transmission lines in Notal area of Balochistan’s Nasirabad district Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif took notice of the power breakdown and issued instructions for the immediate resumption of power supply on an emergency basis. Power supply in many areas was restored after instructions were issued by the prime minister.  
Pakistan’s electricity distribution system is a complex and delicate web and a major fault at one section often leads to chain reactions and breakdowns of power generation and transmission.
In addition to chronic infrastructure problems, the energy sector is also trapped into a vicious “circular debt” brought on by the dual effect of the government setting low electricity prices and customers failing to pay for it. State utilities therefore lose money, and cannot pay private power generating companies, which in turn cannot pay the oil and gas suppliers, who cut off the supply.  
Solving Pakistan’s power crisis was a key campaign pledge for Sharif in the run-up to the 2013 general election, and the shortage is heaping fresh pressure on his government. 

2. Use and Abuses of Internet 

uses of Internet 

Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication. Internet is defined as a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principal constituents of Internet, there is a lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from getting news across the corner of the world to accessing knowledge resources to shopping, everything is at your fingertips. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, the advantages of the Internet are so huge in number that they outperform the disadvantages quite easily. Let us see what advantages and disadvantages of Internet.  

Abuses of Internet 

There are a lot of people who see the internet as a promoter of immorality. The first and the foremost Abuses of internet for students is the wastage of time in social networking websites like Facebook, twitter, Orkut etc., Students are found spending ample time with These social sites rather than with their books This habit spoils their time, learning habit in some case leads them to involve in immoral activities Besides this the general disadvantages are spamming. Theft of personal details, fraud, virus threat etc.

3. Unforgettable Incident of Your Life

It was the prototypical day of Sept. My prove of S. S. C was to be explicit on that day. I had been ready for the day with anxiety and oddity. I got up at six o’clock. I took town and prayed to God to player my success. I was somewhat strange and unsatisfied. My noses were swinging between trust and fright. It was a unusual travel of anxiousness and mean. I was not certain what was slotted for me. My parents had spot outlook of me. At one present i was careful that I would conceding obtaining Rating ‘A’. Again, I feared that if I unsuccessful or unsaved separation. It is a habitual emancipationist that there are also surroundings of vary in every touching, nevertheless dandy one may be as a tested. In stubby, I was in a really neurotic care.
The newspaper-boy had not yet come. The writer of example was travel out. I was getting much and more unsatisfied. At inalterable, the newspaper-boy came shout. I brought stuff from him. My safekeeping was shaking and viscous pounding. With trembling safekeeping i opened the paper. Within a min i pioneer out my Range No. among the Grade A1. I thanked to Omnipotent God for the success which he granted me.
Then I ran to my overprotect and gave her the healthy broadcast. She was overwhelmed with joy. My fuss and sisters got up and rejoiced. The object air of the domiciliation was at one denaturized. Numerous of my relatives brought sweet boxes for me. All were in jolly and elysian honor. In the new teachers. They all congratulated me. We passed the entire day cheerfully. Infect, it was the happiest day of my living which I shall recall for umpteen years to arrive.

4. Importance of Media 

A network of source which I used to inform, motivate and entertain people is called Media. Some of following are used as a form of media. Radio, Television, Internet or Cable Net, Cable TV Networks etc. Imagine a city without televisions, radio, or internet connections. All these media facilities provide people awareness of what is going on around them. Electronic as well as print Media is an effective way of communication as it provides link between ordinary persons and others in the world. It is only due to newspapers that we can read in the morning about the events that took place on the other side of the world only the day before. Besides, electronic media can telecast live happenings from around my corner of the world. Radio, Television and Internet are inventions that extend, across all areas of internet including weather forecasts, entertainment, educational broadcasts, business and important political and social events. Companies that want to sell their products by advertising also make use of media. Media is very important in the fast-moving world, because without media the society would be unaware of the local and foreign affairs.
Electronic media is the most unpredictable mean of spreading knowledge among people One gets biased and one-sided views through this media and nobody can rely of truth. Internet was supposed to be used for gaining information from throughout the world, but only a fraction uses it for information. Rests are being morally devaluated through the improper and non- religious publishing.  
The source of Media is very important in the modern world. It is a source which is directly related to common people, so it must realize its responsibility and cry to broadcast such programs which build up the moral values in the society. 

5. Muslim Unity
The Muslim world is chockfull of rage at injustices both real and imagined. Now that we finally have some minimal facetime in the mass media, we have a long list of grievances which we wish to make known.
The “Satanic West” and “Evil Israel” feature prominently in our tirades. The former is hated mostly because of colonial-era grudges and the colonial legacy. Of course, everyone knows that before the colonial period Muslims were Allah’s gift to the planet disseminating the seeds of wisdom, tolerance and progress in our wake. 
In contrast, there are almost two billion Muslims who sit on 70 percent of the world’s oil, not to mention countless other natural resources. When the history of this period is written, it will scarcely seem believable that the huge Muslim nation felt victimized by the tiny Jewish nation. If we are impoverished and oppressed, it is, first and foremost, our own fault. While the US government does indeed support the House of Saud, it is not Prince Bush who sits on the throne. While the Israeli government does indeed oppress the Palestinians, Jordanians were the ones who occupied their territories from 1948 to 1967, not Israelis.
While the US government supplied arms to the most extreme of the Afghan mujahideen, American soldiers were not the ones who massacred the Hazaras in Mazar-e-Sharif. While the US government provided critical support to Saddam Hussein right through the worst of his atrocities, Iraqi soldiers were the ones busily gassing Kurds in their north, massacring Shias in their south, invading Kuwait in their south-west and threatening Jordan to their west, not Americans.
Americans and Israelis do not rule our countries If our leaders are corrupt sell-outs, it is up to us to rectify that. There were no Arabs in the vanguard of the French Revolution. There were no Indonesians fighting alongside the native American tribes against the European colonists. Similarly, Muslim countries will not attain salvation by waiting for noble Westerners to solve their problems, or by constantly complaining and asking for more aid, investment and visas.

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