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1. The Role of Media 

The role of media in any society has to be positive in many ways. Media is the major source of exposure of the events and activities in a society, for example events, unethical things, bomb blasts, road accidents, business, street crimes, special cases, entertainment, sports and everyday problems a individual faces in life. It is really important to have awareness about our surroundings and media, like TV, Newspapers Radio, Internet and other media developments in recent years in Pakistan have changed the information usage and consumption patterns helps us do that. Media’s people must report and present these events to the audiences in time. The priority of the news items is determined by media outlets and media people. Media also remind us of which issue is to be the ‘prime issue’ of the day among dozens of ongoing issues.
Media plays an important role in the grooming of our society. Its significance cannot be denied. It is the fast-effecting medium of transferring information and awareness about old, current and new things to a society. It includes both electronic and print media. Let us discuss some of the major roles and responsibilities of media fulfills and what should be its role and responsibilities towards a society. Now telling programs are on air and these revealing programs enhance statesman knowledge of topical peoples. The most primal bright view of Media is that now they are optimal communicator of melody for localized peoples. They furnish optimal level for all types of peoples when they are discharged. In squab by with improvements in media they are more trenchant and helpful for all age of peoples.  
Televised news is the most powerful medium today, especially in Pakistan where the literacy rate is extremely low. Due to impact of TV channels, the people are more informed the electronic media, along with the print media, often criticize the government for going against the spirit of the constitution, violating democratic traditions and being unaccountable to the public at large for inflation, unemployment, poverty, deterioration of the law-and-order situation and highhandedness against opposition.

It can be used as a motivational force to bring consensus on vital issues like education and health. The truth is that the significance of the media as a medium of interconnectedness of human affairs cannot be undermined in an age of rapid globalization. A free media that works conscientiously can serve as the collective conscience at the national and international level. This, however, is often easier said than done.

The reporter or journalist is after all human and endowed with biases and in some cases prejudices and as with all power bases the media too is vulnerable to the corruption of the absolute power. There will always be those in their ranks who can be bought with cash or perks or promises of paradise.  
At the end, media can facilitate stabilize and strengthen the country by playing educational and informative role and by imparting knowledge to the masses as knowledge is power and only a well-informed society can develop a positive approach towards life. 

Mobile Phone A Curse or Blessing 

This is the question the country is asking. Mobile phones are considered by many as an essential part of modern-day life, from the businessperson who uses the mobile phone as a vital link with the office, to the teenager who has the phone for recreational use. By using mobile phones are we damaging our long-term health just to stay in contact or worse simply just for a good image?
Mobile or cellular phones have changed dramatically over the past two or three years. The new generation of WAP phones now allow the user to connect to the Internet, send e-mail and even listen to the radio. The e-mail feature, a tremendous advancement in technology, allows businesspeople to contact their office at any time day or night. Not only can e-mail be used throughout Britain but also messages can be sent globally Sending e-mail is not nearly as expensive as the conventional methods of contact, therefore has the potential to reduce costs considerably for the company. The e-mail can be sent anytime, not just within office hours, and time differences between countries are no longer a consideration.
Many mobile phone users claim one of the main advantages of ownership is the ability to contact friends or family in the event of an emergency. Most women who travel alone feel more secure knowing that in an emergency or breakdown they can summon help without leaving the safety of their car therefore, the mobile reduces the chances of being run over or worse raped. By having your mobile phones with you could it be a silent killer?
The reduction in costs associated with owning and using a mobile phone, largely due to the introduction of the new pay and go tariff, means that many more people are now able to afford a mobile phone. The main disadvantage of this is that the networks can become overloaded and make it extremely difficult to connect to the network. The consequences of this could be disastrous, mobile phone owners are led to believe that they can contact help in the event of an emergency when, in effect the crowed network may make this impossible.
Many parents are increasingly buying mobile phones to stay in contact with their children. In doing so are they endangering their own health and more importantly the health of their children? Many studies have been commissioned to assess the health risks associated with ownership and use of a mobile phone. Mobile phone emits a type of electromagnetic radiation called radio-frequency radiation (RFR). The possible health risks of RFR can be characterized in two ways: thermal and non-thermal.
Thermal effects occur when enough RFR, at certain frequencies, is absorbed to be converted to heat, increasing tissue temperature. However non-thermal effects and their health risks are something of an unknown quantity. Though disputed, it’s suggested they can occur at lower levels of exposure and involve changes to body cells, possibly leading to anything from memory loss and headaches to tumors and even Alzheimer’s. So far reports and investigations have been inconclusive. The long-awaited study by Sir William Stewart into mobile phone safety concluded, “The balance of evidence does not suggest mobile phones technologies put the health of the general population at risk.”

 Science A Curse or A Blessing 

Retributive nearly 6,000 period ago, men lived in a cave lie dressed himself in skins. He fed himself by toil and sport fishing. He had to work with his own keeping everything he needed. He went yearn distances on his own legs. His experience was tapering, cheerless, problematical and venturous. Ultramodern man lives a vastly diverse sentence. He is comfortably and elegantly housed, fed and panoplies.  
His humans are panoptic, blinking and moderately invulnerable. Old-tune animal toil is no human necessary for him. It is bailiwick that has brought almost this “spunky new man.” This story of leisure and pleasure. In so far as field has finished this, it is orison. Let us lint took at the blinding back of the accolade.  
Ability has prefabricated wonderful machines. It has revealed incredible energies which run these machines. Man needs no individual toil and mod with his hands and legs. The machine does most of his output for him. It gives him leisure. The imagine of a push-button creation has tome apodictic for him. Size has been destroyed. Neo mechanism and connection of prefab the experience decrease nigh to thing. Men and things and interestingness and views can skirt the globe with lightning speeding. Inter-planetary travelling is now a certainty. We are now on the eve of colonizing new planets.
Our lives hare transforms healthier, new medicine, sanitation, penalization and surgery are subjection solon and more bodily and mental ills day by day. No disease is beyond aid now. The oldness of account has enlarged. The quinine has terminated malaria dull glucose injections put a new time in a dying man.
Surgery has created wonders Bailiwick also provides entertainments to millions of people. Theatre entertains us and radio and television provide recreation. The creation of nutrient has raised. Industry has been revolutionized. Hungriness has been regimented. In unforesightful, the technological development is awesome.  
It is a habitual fact that field has prefabricated valuable try to the utilization of earthborn Intelligence. Crucial excellence has also made a wonderful tread. But the honorable utilization of man or moral values has been totally unnoticed. Ability has provided us with a vast render of couple shelf but alas it is not existence put to good use.  
As a ending of this, we someone miserably unsuccessful to reach the desired object. We somebody solon noesis and science but lower of reference and self-control. Technological developing has outstripped our righteous or sacred procession. It has prefab us egotistic, greedy and maturate our lives pitiful with a horrible subsequent. So, Noble Tennyson laments that knowledge has develop but wisdom lingers. 

Problems of Karachi City

 Karachi is the center of trade and economic activities, in past, it was regarded as the city of light as it was bright and glittering. The roads were washed every day in the evening and the lamp post were there to light every place. This all seems too fascinating and mad man’s dream at present, for Today’s Karachi is the opposite of what we heard of it from our parents. The Karachi 1 we find today is full of problems.
Sewerage problem is the most severe problem of the day. The roads are usually blocked because of chock sewerage lines. These lines were meant for a small group’s need, but with the expansion of population, they obviously proved to be insufficient. The government solves individual sewerage problems on ad hoc basis, so the result is quite disappointing. The line which is fixed today chocks after few days and therefore, the dirty water is seen standing everywhere and causes several diseases. Another severe problem is the shortage of drinking water.   
Water is the basic need of every society Karachi has long been suffering the shortage of water and people are left on the mercy of Tankers. The connections that were earlier taken at home usually release air or if water comes, it stays for wink of an eye The most pathetic thing is that some time sewerage water mixes with the drinking water and spoils the stored water of the people. The problem is not over at this stage and as soon as summer arrives, it brings with it the load shading. The former city of light is now called the city of darkness. The unannounced and constant power failure hits everyone equally. The hospitals Factories, institutions and houses suffer badly and the usual work of life freezes. The irony is that complaints are not heard or if something is done to restore power; it proves to be short lived. In short, we can say that problems of Karachi are numerous, and people are suffering and looking for a reformer to step forward m order to solve this problem. 

Rights of Women in Islam 

One wonders what terms like woman emancipation and feminism have a relevance in an Islamic state. Islam is a religion which gives prime importance to justice. It preaches compassion, tolerance and sympathy for all, irrespective of gender, caste or creed. When the world was ruled by barbarism, Islam uplifted humanity from the abyss of savagery.  
In pre-Islamic Arabia women could be inherited by relatives of their husband when the latter died, whether they liked to marry them or not. Islam stopped that practice and other similar ones which reduced the status of women in society to that of animals, or inanimate objects which could be inherited, Girls were buried alive because they were considered a burden for the family as well as society. Islam gave woman the right to live not merely to exist!  
Islam tell us that a woman deserves respect just as a man does. She deserves all the respect for just doing what she as a woman can do best. That is why as a mother she may have to be respected by her son three times more than he respects his father, but &s a wife, she has to’ obey her husband within certain limits. A mother doing her duty properly may be no less in the eyes of God than the head of a state doing his part well.
A women’s role as a daughter, a sister, a wife is no less important than men. It is obvious that men are inherently better than women in some spheres of life, just as women are better than them in several other spheres. A woman’s role as a mother is one for which she is most suitable by her ‘nature. Unfortunately, modern society is haunted by an unfounded disdain for this role-” women are not just machines to produce babies we often heat, nice, young ladies crying out. In the world of high fashion, where smiles are affected, and love is pompous, genuine respect for life is becoming dangerously remote.

A man who saves one life in his lifetime does almost enough to justify his own, in his world. Giving birth to life and nursing it is sublime. A woman does it, she gives birth. She becomes the instrument of God’s benevolence as the Creator. Her existence would truly be noble even if her role were confined to just that A woman’s contribution in multiple roles is simply undisputable. In her company, man finds an escape from all the harshness of life. In her dependence, he finds a reason to live and hope. In her purity, he sees his honor, in her love and loyalty he revives his strength.
Family is the basic unit of any society. Woman has not been forbidden from helping her family financially, just as the husband has not been forbidden from helping his wife in her duties after having fulfilled his responsibilities. Providing for the family is the ‘husband’s duty, not wife’s except in unusually circumstances.

Noise Pollution 

Natural sounds-waves, winds, birdsong – are so soothing that companies sell recordings of them to anxious people seeking a relaxing atmosphere at home or in the car. One reason why “environmental sounds” are big business is that ordinary citizens, especially city dwellers, are bombarded by noise pollution. On the way to work, on the job, and on the way home, the typical urban resident must cope with a continuing barrage of unpleasant sounds.  
The noise levels in an office can be unbearable. From nine to five O’clock, phones and fax machines ring, computer keyboards chatter, intercoms buzz, and copy machines thump back and forth. Every time the receptionists can’t find people, they resort to nerve-shattering public address system. And because the mangers worry about the employees’ morale, they graciously provide the endless droning of canned music. This effectively eliminates any possibility of a moment of blessed silence.  
Traveling home from work provides no relief from the noisiness of the office. The ordinary sounds of blaring taxi horns and rumbling buses are occasionally punctuated by the ear- piercing screech of car brakes. Taking a short cut through the park will bring the weary worker face to face with chanting religious cults, freelance musicians, screaming children, and barking dogs.  
None of these sounds can compare with the large radios many park visitors carry. Each radio blasts out something different, from heavy-metal rock to baseball, at decibel levels so strong that they make eardrums throb in pan. If there are birds singing or wind in the trees, the harried commuter will never hear them.
Even a trip to work at 6 or 7 am isn’t quiet. No matter which routes a worker takes, there is bound to be a noisy construction site somewhere along the way. Hard hats will shout from third – story windows to warn their coworkers below before heaving debris out and sending it crashing to earth. Huge front-end loaders will crunch into these piles of rubble and back up, their warning signals letting out loud, jarring beeps. Air hammers begin an earsplitting chorus of rat-at tat-tat sounds guarantee to shatter sanity as well as concrete. Before reaching the office, the worker is already completely frazzled.  
Noise pollution is as dangerous as any other king of pollution. The endless pressure of noise probably triggers countless nervous breakdowns, vicious arguments, and bouts of depression. And imagine the world problems we could solve, if only the noise stopped long enough to let us think.

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