Top 3 essays for CSS Exams | Essays for Test preparation

1. Smoking in Public Places 

The issue of smoking in public has become of increasing concern to the nonsmoking citizens of our country. Living In a free country, we as citizens have individual rights. On this Issue, the nonsmoker unequivocally deserves the right to be free from the annoyance of cigarette smoke in public places. The smoker, of course, has the right to decide whether or not he or she smokes. However, this right should ‘definitely not extend to the point of causing irritation to others. When smoking in public Infringes upon a nonsmoker’s right to Inhale clean air, when it causes the nonsmoker to cough or suffer adverse physiological effects, then we have reached a point when it must be regulated by law.
Generally, when we think of the potential health hazards surrounding smoking, we think in terms of dangers for the smoker is opposed to dangers for the nonsmoking public, indeed, most of the Information we receive on the topic tends to reinforce our thinking. Recently, however, the public health authorities have directed their concern towards the detrimental effects of tobacco smoke to nonsmokers. The Canadian Medical Association announced that at least thirteen percent of our population is sensitive to cigarette smoke.
Though this figure includes persons with emphysema, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, and heart disease, the average nonsmoker is also subject to reactions from cigarette smoke. These reactions range from eye irritation, coughing, and nasal symptoms, to headaches, and even dizziness.
According to the World health Organization, side stream smoke, the smoke that is exhaled, contains twice as much nicotine as the mainstream smoke inhaled by the smoker, Conclusive evidence to date suggests that side stream smoke contains three times as much benzopyrene (a cancer-causing agent), and up to fifty times more ammonia than mainstream smoke.
The question about enacting legislation to govern nonsmokers’ rights has become a civil rights Issue. On one side of the argument, we have the smokers, who champion that regulating this area of personal choice threatens the Individual freedom this country was built upon. 
 Unsurprisingly, this side receives support from the cigarette company executives, who maintain that in opening ourselves to this type of legislation, we are in effect leaving ourselves wide open to increased government restriction In every area of our lives. The nonsmokers, diametrically opposed to this view, simply feel that when in public places they should be afforded the right to inhale clean air without the hindrance of tobacco smoke.
If this Issue could be resolved effectively through mutual respect and common courtesy, I could be no reason for government legislation. But, in concluding, I must state that an individual’s right to smoke ends when the smoke of his cigarette reaches the nose of another person in a public place, who might suffer Irritating of distressful consequences.

2. The Impact of Electronic Media on Our Society 

Science and technology have made the marvels. It has made the dreams materialized, the unthinkable a reality, the impossible, the practical. Its accomplishments are wonderfully unprecedented to yet in the history. Where it has made havoc with the fabric of the’ social values, assaulted the ages old civilization and traditions, it has added to the speed, accuracy and convenience to the best ever. Where it has made life comfortable and easy, Modern ways, and means and changing life patterns of our society have made the individuals of the society lazy and sluggish, too. 
To start with, the science and technology revolution has replaced all the ancient civilizations and cultures as the only modern and cosmopolitan culture. With the world turned into a global village, the net knits the world together. Imagine any part of the world, via net its quite easy to access any part of the world.  
This electronic revolution has assaulted the ages old cultures of the world. It has not only tried to efface the worst out of the world, it seems to sweep away the best from the various cultures of the world. No doubt electronic media has made the knowledge easily and speedily accessible, it has made men lazy and sluggish as well.
The sociability, the sense of company and sitting together, sharing the sorrows and solving them together is decreased to a disappointing level. The young ones are engaged in watching their favorite channel, or surfing the desired web, chatting a newly made unseen friend, or texting to some opposite gender. The parents often miss a few minutes company with their children.
Electronic media that includes all means of communication, the network of which is scattered throughout the world, is supposed to play a big role in spreading the social values, culture and civilization. It has played a functional role in modifying the cultural and moral value of a society. The trends and values acceptable in one corner of the world are introduced where these are considered as taboos. The western fashion and dressing code, is a big cultural assault over the modest veil wearing eastern females. This cultural assault is not simply confined to the fashion and designing even the difference in behaviors and attitudes is worrying if not completely condemnable.
The easy access to information eases the propaganda against opponent, mostly malevolently. The malevolent western propaganda against so called Islamic terrorism and Talibanization are the worst examples of misuse of media.  
The Islamic values, dressing code, putting beard, its ideology is put to criticism by western media. The young generation in close contact with the media are worst affected by this cultural assault and thus join that stream mistakenly. Apart from the negative impact of electronic media, neglecting its advantages and positive contribution will be unjustifiable. It is the use of electronic media that makes it positive or negative. The use of electronic media for the academic purpose is above all praise. It blesses unlimited access to the written electronic libraries of the world, which otherwise is next to impossible. A huge sea of information and knowledge available on different websites is just at a click distance.
Thus, the electronic media has wiped out the distances surprisingly. A student sitting at one corner of the word can seek guidance from an expert sitting at another corner of the world. The online degree programmers allow worldwide excess, and a worldwide recognized degree. Through blogs one can share opinion and knowledge with any student worldwide. This and many more advantages can be attributed to the electronic media. No one can deny the negative impact of this media, as well. In order to escape, or rather minimize the harms and avail multiple advantages of electronic media, we need awareness of both. We should try not to compromise our valuable values, on the cost of speed or convenience. 

3. Prospects and Challenges of 21st Century

Nature has its own laws. Man s deeply related with nature. It is the best creative work of the Divine. Man has always endeavored for his survival. A number of nations have erased from this universe due to some reasons.  
Man has always faced the challenge of nature to keep himself fit. The process of survival of the fittest in an environment has always been in progress. 
It is obvious that hard working nations have achieved the peak of success and the values of sold prosperity. They have achieved the scientific and technical approach in all the faculties of life.
Scientific advancement ha modernized the worth of human life. Basement of comfort and easiness is fundamentally related to the technological approach. It has progressed in each and every field. It is contemplated as the age of Computer Science. 
Modernization of Internet system of computer is the best revelation of scientific development. Electronic media has flourished at a vast scale. Countries of the third world are also enjoying the advancement of scientific research.  
Now the scientific approach and technological advancement have entered the 21st century. This modern century is considered as fraught with prospects and challenges. Societies are supposed to face these enhancing challenges.  
Scientific inventions and flourishing mechanical industrialization have propagated the comforts of life. Beside all that comfort and easiness, modern ago has its own problematic. 
It has arisen some technical problems which are taken as the challenges of the 21st century. 
It is a distinct fact that modern world has to face the complexities of pollution of air and noise. Air pollution is more harmful than noise pollution. Perpetual air pollution is too dangerous for the upper atmospheric layer of ozone gas as well as to the whole humanity. 
Noise pollution is the cause of developing mechanization. Flourishing mechanical industrialization has played an important role in wiping out the calm and quiet and peaceful beauty of nature. 
Another cause of excessive human anxiety is the misuse of scientific Inventions in the faculty of war weapons. Atomic science nuclear energy has a twinkling approach. Nuclear science is contemplated as the peak of achievement and it is the phenomenon of the real power of a country. 
Beside all such shining prospects, it is a well proved fact that misuse of nuclear energy has brought a huge destruction in past age. It has proved itself to be too horrible. 
Violence of modern war weapons is considered as the sword of horror. Prospects of modern science are really glowing, and they would have a dazzling impact on the doors of 21st century but the achievement of nuclear science may put it into demonstration.
We would have to accept these challenges with profound Intellect for the prosperity of mankind. 

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